Friday, October 12, 2012

Caramelized Onion, Bacon, and Gruyere Quiche

Long time no dish. I'm back, lovely friends. It's been a crazy two months. Thank you to all of you who have made me feel alternately wonderful and guilty during my absence from the blogosphere by telling me that you like reading the things that are posted here. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My two-month sortie into the "real world" (i.e. jobosphere) has been illuminating in more ways than one...but probably the biggest is that working 9 to 6 with a half hour commute on either end leaves little time for cooking. And even less time for blogging about said cooking. 

But this is not a time for regrets! It's a time for new beginnings! And not only for new jobs...and new blog posts...but also a new kitchen, in my new apartment in Brooklyn. I just want to prepare you--remember those lovely granite countertops? Gone. The fully stocked pantry with things like salt, sugar, and frozen homemade chicken stock? Gone. And--I can barely bring myself to speak of it--that immersion blender? All, all is lost. Sorry to be so dramatic, I'll stop. It is a very different kitchen than the one you've been seeing, and the one I've been used to cooking in. But it's my first real kitchen that's truly mine--one that I get to stock with goodies and fill with delicious smells (along with my two fabulous roommates). 

So here we are. I'm looking for my next gig, on a budget, in a new, un-stocked kitchen...what is the first thing I want to make? Something a little bit special, a little bit decadent, and a little bit familiar--a caramelized onion, bacon, and gruyere quiche.

Oh, and despite the picture above, this recipe actually does make a whole quiche. Obviously, it gets eaten pretty quickly.